The Breakdowner tool can now be constrainted to work on specific transforms and axes, by pressing the following keys while the tool is active: G (translate), S (scale), R (rotate), B (bendy bones), C custom properties, and X Y Z for the corresponding axes.Add animation channel option to make it always visible regardless of selection.With this change undo will quickly bring back the previous pose, bypassing all but the first frame change operation.( 8f2e6f7e) Previously if the animator wanted to roll back the pose, she would need to undo multiple times, while nervously risking facing a filled undo stack. As such it is specifically designed to serve the needs of 3D artists, game studios. Let's say the animator tries a new pose, and then do a few frame changes (scrub a few frames, go to a marker, go to the previous keyframe). UV-Packer for Blender rests on 14 years of engineering for Autodesk 3ds Max. The animation workflow is more smooth now that all frame change related operators are grouped together. This restores a feature lost in version 2.57. DynRemesh v2.0 for Blender 2.79-2.8 Title: DynRemesh v2.0 for Blender 2.79-2.8 Info: DynRemesh is a quad-based remesher, assisting in retopology for your dyntopo sculpts & 3dscans containing too many tris (triangles). Does Blender 2.79 have a better performance than Blender 2.

If no bones are selected, all bones are keyed. Both V-ray and Cycles for Blender are popular rendering engines for creating high-quality.